2nd draft
Shin Seon Hae
11 July 2010
My First Nose Bleed
During my 23 years of life experience, I only had a nose bleed once when I was five years old. People have nose bleed mainly because they get tired or get stressed but for me it was nothing stressful. When I was a kid, my family used to visit our grandparent’s house every weekend. I don’t exactly remember what I did every time I visited them but the memory of that day, when I had my first nose bleed, comes alive to me like a photograph whenever I think back. That day my grandparent’s relative came to visit with their two children. While grownups had their small talk about their daily life they send three of us to the playground to have our own time of knowing each other. After playing with me for a while two of them sat themselves on the squeaky swing. They were planning to compete against each other on who goes higher on the swing. They did warn me firmly to stand aside and just watch while they compete, but I guess I didn’t go far enough. I was watching them swing fast and high like a bird and felt excited myself, but the next moment I found myself lying on the cold sandy ground with blood running from both of the nostrils. I got hit by the swing when it was coming back up again. They tried hard to stop the bleeding but eventually I had to go to the hospital because the bleeding didn’t stop. After this incident I think I had developed a tolerance to nose bleed because whatever tough things I do I never had a nose bleed ever in my life, thanks to the children and to the swing.
Hold On to Your Skirt!!
Do you know what happens when your skirt covers up your belly? This may sound strange, because skirts don’t usually cover up your belly, but you will find out what happens through my embarrassing story. This happened two years ago when I was living in Japan on the day when my friends and I planned to hang out. In the morning when I looked outside the window the sky was high, the sun was shining and the wind was blowing gently. The weather made me feel like walking for one or two stations before I get on the train. As I got ready, I chose to wear a white T-shirt and a patterned skirt made out of light thin fabric. Soon after I got ready I started walking along the train tracks. On the other side of the road, there was an elementary school and I could over hear the giggling of the children on the playground. The sound of the leaves fluttering as the gentle wind passed through and the giggling of the children made me peaceful. But the next moment as the fluttering sound of the leaves got louder the giggling stopped. The only sounds left were the leaves and the echo of my screaming. The moment I felt peaceful and pleased with myself of making a good choice, a strong wind blew towards me and lifted my skirt up to my belly before I knew what had happened. Instead of covering where it supposed to cover my skirt was covering my belly, which made it easier for students over the fence to see what color underwear I was wearing. A little while later I found myself dashing along the road pretending nothing had happened. From that day on, when the wind seems to blow the first thing I do is to hold on to my skirt so no one can see what color I am wearing.
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