Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dr. Bahk-Halberg!

 Good evening, Dr. Bahk-Halberg.


 Today you gave us the 1st assignment - writing a 'descriptive paragraph'. As soon as I came home, I began thinking of the topic and finally something popped up in my head. One of the topics suggested on the page 50 was 'A person that you admire' and I decided to write about 'Mikhail S. Gorbachev' the former Secretary General of the Soviet Union. I invested about 20 minutes. However, it turned out to be an 'opinion paragraph', not 'descriptive'. I am still dubious if it's possible to write a descriptive paragraph with that topic 'admired person' because when we admire someone, we focus more on his qualities, not his 'appearance'. So I arranged some of his ideas and deeds. and in conclusion part, I wrote my opinion why I admire him. Should I describe his looking in detail to write a descriptive paragraph?

 I will be waiting for your reply.


 God be with you


 Your best regard,

 Mark (Shin Jeong-chul)


1 comment:

  1. Oops, it is not supposed to be here. Sorry!


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