Monday, July 12, 2010

Paragraph 3, Second Draft, Ho Won Lee

Korean Education Needs Change


            The biggest change that must be made in the educational system is the university entrance system. First, the university entrance exam must not be the most important method of evaluation which basically classifies them academically. Because, it eventually acts as a critical factor of distinction of which social class you will be in. Due to the fact that the employers regard the university of the employees very highly when recruiting new workers, this has become a sad reality of the current workforce in Korea. Instead, the students must be evaluated according to their performances during the 4 years of university. Because this is a more accurate and trustful proof that the student is a worker with the company's needed requirement. Let's say that a student is hired at the earliest age of 24 and at the latest 28. Then isn't it logical to evaluate the workers based on their latest achievements and traits instead of a test they took when they were 19? A person might refute this by saying the university exam is a strong factor that helps assort the academic people from the non academic people; and they will say this because in order to prepare for this exam it requires you to work strenuous and long is needed. However, 4 years can change a person a lot if not completely and it takes a minimum of 4 years to be able to get a degree; and thus to apply for a job. Consequently, the students must not be weighed heavily on the exam to judge a potential employee's academic standard. Instead, the students' level of academia must be evaluated upon most heavily on how much experience, good deeds, and how hard he or she worked at University. 







 A Special Encounter with a Special Person



              In Toronto, I encountered a friend who saved me from being confused about my true religion and persuaded me into becoming a devoted Christian. The name of the person who is important to me is Matt and he was my colleague in high school. It had been 5 years since I last saw him and we never kept in touch with each other. He was one of those students who were very troublesome. He was involved in activities that were inappropriate such as smoking cigarettes and marijuana. Also, he skipped classes and spent most of the time seducing girls. Basically, he was an extremely secular student who was not interested in school. However, he had a great personality. He was very humorous, kind, appreciating and upright. In addition, he respected everyone and never offended anyone by despising others. Although, he was not very responsible, he was one of the few people who I always admired for his or her great character. It had been 5 years since the last time I ever even saw a glimpse of him. During this time my belief about my religion, Christianity, was diminishing; and I was struggling to find a true religion that I could be dedicated to. Tired from all this conflict against myself, I decided to forget about religion and spent time studying what I wanted in the library. During this time, I suddenly wondered how Matt was doing these days. One day I was walking to the library when I saw him sitting right in front of me on the library security's chair. It was completely unexpected because usually men who were over 40 years old took the job. In total astonishment, I approached him expecting him to be still my old troublesome Matt; but to my surprise he had completely changed. He asked me to read the bible which was the first book that he ever read, that made him like books. He was so absorbed in the Bible he acted in accordance with what the Bible told him to do. Therefore, the Bible had completely changed him. He started to give me advice on my life by applying the knowledge he gained from the bible. His wisdom and intellect completely stunned me. I felt that he was at least 10 years older that I was. Due to this occasion, I was able to find my church and regain my trust in Christianity; this led me to have the faith that I have right now. Matt is the person who I will always remember. He is a person who deserves my utmost respect. I want to express all my gratitude and appreciation towards him for guiding me into the right direction in my life.

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